About Us

A Joint Powers Authority for Northern California Cities

Mission Statement

The Northern California Cities Self Insurance Fund, or NCCSIF, is an association of municipalities joined to protect member resources by stabilizing risk costs in a reliable, economical and beneficial manner while providing members with broad coverage and quality services in risk management and claims management.


About Us

NCCSIF, a Joint Powers Authority, was first formed in early 1979. It is one of the first pooled municipal insurance programs in California. The JPA's purpose is to provide median Northern California Cities a mechanism to self-fund a layer of workers' compensation insurance, as well as to obtain the advantages of group purchase excess insurance. In 1981, a number of the member Cities desired to apply the same concepts of pooling to automobile and general liability coverage.

In 1987 the name of the Joint Powers Authority was changed to Northern California Cities Self Insurance Fund (NCCSIF). NCCSIF now also offers group purchase of property, crime and employee assistance programs (these are not self-insurance programs). Membership has grown over the years to now include twenty two (22) Cities.

Upcoming Meetings


Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025

Time: 9:00a.m. 

Location: Zoom Webinar 
Dial: 669-444-9171
Meeting ID: 934 7939 5626
Passcode: 888891


Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025

Time: 10:30a.m. 

Location: Zoom Webinar 
Dial: 669-444-9171
Meeting ID: 989 3030 9852
Passcode: 235898

Upcoming Training

Training: Heat Illness Prevention Training 
April 9, 2025 
Time: 9:00a.m.  
Location: Zoom Webinar 
Register: jenna.wirkner@alliant.com 

Training: Aquatic Risk Management 
April 9, 2025 
Time: 9:00a.m.  
Location: Zoom Webinar 
Register: jenna.wirkner@alliant.com 

Insurance Requirements in Contracts (IRIC) Training
NCCSIF Informational Presentation - APIP v. AMVP for Vehicles
Training Recording 



CAJPA Accreditation

NCCSIF received their Accreditation with Excellence by CAJPA in 1993. CAJPA sponsors the nations first risk management accreditation program. This program establishes a model of professional standards which serves as a guideline for all risk management pools regardless of size, scope of operation, or membership structure.

NCCSIF is proud to say that we have met the highest CAJPA standard and maintained the Accreditiation with Excellence status - a title which is reserved for those JPA's who exceed the mandatory requirements for accreditation.

View NCCSIF's accreditation certificate here
Visit the CAJPA's website here